Trustedhair's Community Guidelines

Enjoy Trustedhair

Your reviews are the heart and strength of our community, lifting deserving businesses and strengthening our collective journey.

Empathetic Environment

We foster a community built on empathy, where everyone’s experiences are valued, and support is given generously.

Accurate and Truthful

Share only reliable and truthful information within the community to fellow members on their journey. Trust is the heart of Trustedhair.

Welcome to Trustedhair’s Community Guidelines!

At Trustedhair, we recognize that the path through hair loss, alopecia, and thinning or fine hair can be challenging. Yet, we firmly believe that together, we can provide the support needed to navigate the journey, making it easier. Our community is a place where individuals can come together to share experiences, provide support, and find valuable information. To ensure a positive and uplifting atmosphere, we’ve put together some community guidelines that we ask all members of our community to follow:

1. Be Supportive and Encouraging:

  • Lift each other up with accurate and empowering words.
  • Share your experiences and insights to inspire and assist others. The best reviews offer an accurate description of the experience, along with helpful tips and insights.

2. Respect Each Other’s Journeys:

  • Every individual’s hair loss or hair thinning journey is unique. Be empathetic for diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Avoid making hurtful or judgmental comments.

3. Zero Tolerance for Abuse:

  • Harassment, bullying, or any form of abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Be Family-Friendly.
  • If you encounter inappropriate content, report it to the moderators, by selecting ‘Report’. Inappropriate content and members will be removed.

4. Share Constructive Feedback:

  • Offer constructive and accurate reviews when discussing products or services.
  • Remember that what works for one person may not work for another.

5. Maintain a Positive Tone:

  • Keep discussions positive and focus on finding solutions.
  • If you disagree, express your opinion respectfully and be open to different viewpoints.

6. Keep it Inclusive:

  • Embrace diversity and inclusion within our community.
  • Avoid any language or actions that could alienate or discriminate against others.

7. No Promotional or Spam Content:

  • This community is for sharing experiences, not for promotional or spammy content.
  • Share your story genuinely without promoting products or services or manipulating ratings.

8. Respect Privacy:

  • Do not share personal information about others without their consent.
  • Respect the privacy of others as you would want yours to be respected.

9. Moderation is a Team Effort:

  • We operate as an open platform without pre-moderation.
  • Together, we can maintain a safe and positive space for everyone.

10. Community, Not Competition:

  • We are all in this together. Celebrate each other’s successes and offer support during challenges.
  • Remember, our community is stronger when we uplift and support one another.

Following these guidelines makes Trustedhair a warm, supportive space for everyone. Our small but dedicated team strives to create an amazing platform, addressing concerns promptly while doing our best to ensure a safe environment, though immediate removal isn’t always guaranteed.

Thank you for being a part of our positive space!

Let’s grow together.


For detailed information, we encourage you to explore our FAQs, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Accessibility Policy.

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