List a Provider, Product, or Service with Trustedhair

Please select either 'Business/Provider' for a detailed listing form, or 'General User' for a quick listing form.
What would you like to add? A product, a service, or a provider?
Please enter the entire name, as commonly known, for this listing.
Please add the barcode or UPC number for this product. These are unique product identifiers, usually all numbers and between 12 and 14 digits, which can not be repeated ensuring products are not duplicated.
Please share the website URL so we can easily see more information about what you are listing.
Share an email address where we can reach you for updates on your listing's progress. Without an email address we will not be able to provide updates.
Please be specific about how this provider, product, or service supports hair loss, alopecia, and/or thin or fine hair.
Select all of the audiences that this product is suitable for.
Choose all of the physical hair locations that this product is suitable for, from the dropdown list.
Choose one activity type that best fits the use of this product, if applicable.
Does this Salon have a private area for clients where they can be out of sight from the public, if they prefer?
Does this Salon have experience styling wigs and/or weaves, including synthetic hair?
Does this Salon have experience cutting wigs and/or weaves, including synthetic hair?
Does this Dermatology practice specialize in hair loss, alopecia, thin hair, and/ or fine hair conditions?
Maximum file size: 10 MB.
If available, please share the Affiliate URL, or the URL to instructions on setting up an affiliate relationship with this provider, product, or service.
Enter the street address of the provider, including the street name and number.
Enter the city where the business is located.
Enter the state or province where the provider is located.
Enter the postal code or ZIP code for the provider's location.
Enter the country where the business is located.
Please rate the quality on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very poor and 5 being excellent.
How would you rate the value for money on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very poor value and 5 being excellent value?
Would you recommend this to others? Please select a number from 1 to 5, where 1 is very unlikely and 5 is very likely.
Please share your experience, with detail. Your insights can help other members of our community make informed decisions.
Enhance your review by sharing photos of your experience. Visuals can provide valuable context for other members of our community.

Typically, we process requests within a week, and if you’ve provided your email, we’ll happily notify you once your request is accepted. Keep in mind that without your email address, we won’t be able to send you notifications.